1564. Priscilla Meader (1824 – 1893)

Priscilla Meader, daughter of James Meader (bc.1790) [0126] and Nicea Bull (1795-1868), was born September 16, 1824 in Ferrisburg and died in March, 1893.

She married:

1) A Hunt.

2) Joshua G. Roberts on June 1, 1843. He died September 29, 1908 in Concordia, Cloud County, KS.

[Note: Diana Miller and Donna Mae Bagby show that Priscilla was born October 11, 1824 in East Farnham, Quebec, Canada and died February 27, 1893 in Concordia, Cloud County, KS]
– Hinshaw
– Mormon Records
– Ferrisburg Monthly Meeting records
– Farnham Monthly Meeting records
– Donna Mae Bagby, Littleton, CO